Hello, everybody !
so far from
GOING UP: When an Air unit on the Air Display mat “improves by one Readiness Level,” it must remove its Suppressed (or Training) marker as a priority. If it has no such marker, it progresses to the next-lower (i.e., higher-ranked) number on the above list.
So, if a nair unit grows-up from ...
4. DESTROYED, Damaged (in the DESTROYED box showing its Damaged side; there are never any Ready or Suppressed Air units in the DESTROYED box (remove all Suppressed markers from units entering it)).
will-it become :
3½. FLOWN, Damaged + Suppressed (it is in the FLOWN box showing its Damaged side and has a Suppressed marker on it)
3. FLOWN, Damaged (it is in the FLOWN box showing its Damaged side, and not suppressed)
I just don't know if a "number" in english can be a fraction !
Thank you :)
Suppression is an extra step that only happens because of combat. If a unit is suppress, you must first remove the suppression. You are going up or coming down on whole numbers.
It would become only FLOWN + DAMAGED.
It would not be Suppressed.