If Scorched Earth is Played in the Repair & Recovery Step, can Army Organization later be played to remove the Countdown Marker?
I think yes, because the AO card is not repairing (i.e., decreasing the time). It is removing the marker.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks, Doc. Changes made.
I’m really Not certain what ya’all talking about, but I guess I’ll get it soon.
However, am I off on the ”end of the next Axis Repair Step” statement.
Sometimes Refugees come just in time to allow the spending of one more Sov PP, which lately seems more urgent since the Russians can no longer enjoy their previous edge in '41--though YMMV.
There are two types of Countdowns that you may not want to halt with Scorched Earth: Soviet Personnel Cities that give the Soviets 2 PP for Refugees when the Countdown is removed, and Axis cards which expire to the Russians' relief.
We were using the Scorched Card from 0.4 kit (more like original).
But the card you show also says, "this turn only" which give the implication that it is across the turn.
Yes, the card is Removed during the Axis Repair & Recovery Step. That is clear. And you say it can be played anytime. But maybe the card should also say "At the end of the Axis Repair and Recovery Step ...." since you say it can be played any time. Otherwise you run into the problem of when during the AR&R step.
Anyway, I think this new card can be re-worded more succinctly with clarity. If I understand the intent, is it:
"Remove at the end of the Axis Repair & Recovery Step to prevent any improvement of all map Axis Countdown markers for captured City hexes and HQs in the USSR and any desired on-card Axis Countdown markers affecting anywhere in the East Europe Theater."
So what does "on-card Axis Countdown markers affecting anywhere in the East Europe Theater" mean???
Also, if I can play this card during my Soviet turn ... and if I follow the wording ... it is removed the next Axis R&R step, which would be the next turn. If so, then you have to remove "this turn only."
Thanks for helping with this.
The card can be played anytime but it is removed during the Axis Repair & Recovery step when repair happens. It is then off the map and forgotted. There is a scary world out there: TiTE2. Army Org'n is not playable by the Germans until October and if you hope to do well in 1942 of a campaign game, you will want to build a German HQ with the card. The Soviet player may need other actions to slow those HQs if Scorched Earth is changed.
Alan, just so you know, Scorched Earth says no repair during TURN. Hence my comment that AO is not a “repair.”
The use of Turn trumps the SoP, no?
Removing a HQ's Countdown in spite of Scorched Earth is a big headache for Russia until the most current version, in which Army Org'n is not available till Autumn of '41. Brian and Graham, I think you have Roll Bahns as well with .4.1 If so, this is the best logistical situation for the Germans, though I prefer the present version.
The answer is in the sequence of play. Note that they are played at asymmetrical times during a turn.