Since I have posted here several times already, I've decided to talk about this card. I kinda don't understand in which scenario it can be useful. It only gives MP to Romania which are immediately taken back as soon as the Red Army retakes Chisinau. Romania is really under no threat of Morale collapsing until Soviets cross the border, so what is the point of giving Romania some MPs which are not needed under normal circumstances and do not benefit to keeping the morale high during dire times since Chisinau would be the first to fall?
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I think it might be going too far. About the only thing I've seen in my long work on the ETO series is that Frank Chadwick, at first, added some Corps units to the Soviet OOB after they annexed the Baltic States, but that ended up being kind of unnecessary.
Most territorial annexation in Europe is more about morale than economics in this timeframe. The last great economic annexation before WW2 was the Prussians annexing Alsace and Lorraine from France in 1871 for the coal.
Lwow starts the war in 1939 Polish. Eastern Poland was annexed and part of that big pile of PPs came from Lwow. Most of the other land areas that could be annexed during the war have limited economics. Pre-War gains of Prague, Vienna and Graz do add to the German totals.
Well, I can tell you in the upgrade we deal with annexing in a bit more detail (since it happens a lot outside of the dates/times of TITE).
It will be one of the few ways to actually GAIN Morale, for instance:
Annexed Objective
When territory including Objective hexes is annexed (618.1.4):
+2 (for red Objectives) or +1MPs (for white Objectives) to the Annexing nation (it is now a full-value Objective hex for that Annexing nation; guard it well)
Also, the Italian Collapse is supposed to cause a -4 MP morale loss when it happens in '43. This makes the MP situation in Hungary and Romania a bit less tenable.