hello ... again the frenchy...
I hope it's ok with my questions...
This sentence is difficult for me to understand because it has several nested levels :
(...)Halve their specific sums (up) and immediately add that many half or full PPs (Non-specialists) to the RP pool
residing at the evacuation’s receiving Anchorage in that Sea Zone;
i don't understand. 🤔
maybe an exemple can help me :
An 2-step Heavy German unit (2EP) and a 2-step Romanian unit (1PP) are evacuating Riga (yes, the Romanians got lost) to Gdansk.
1/Gdansk is of course under german control.
Which nation recovers how many PPs ?
2/ Saying Gdansk is under romanian control ;
Which nation recovers how many PPs ?
Probably it's a stupid question, it seems evident that rumanians will stay rumanian but ... "...RP pool
residing at the evacuation’s receiving Anchorage" lost me !
Thank you for your patience, again !
ok only one RP track for AXE but one PP counter for each country ! I understand. Let's translate this :) thank you !
The rules was written for all of ETO. In TiTE, there is only one pool for RPs so landing in Gdansk with place the RPs in the pool. The Axis control the port so German or Romanian is the same.
Germany would gain 1 PP and the Romanian's PP marker would increase by 1/2 PP.
The Romanians would lose Morale Points for the loss of the unit.