A Renewed and Improved Gameplay Experience
By Alan Emrich with Jay Johnson and Ken Keller

Click on the file folder below to download the latest Thunder in The East 1A playtest kit (.zip file):
This file will be updated as playtester feedback is incorporated into it. The latest update file was posted on
26 October 2023 (now with rules and cards included)
Click the above File Folder icon to download the TITE 1A kit (700+ MB).
By conforming your gameplay to this kit, you adopt many final ETO rules and features. Doing so gives us a common frame of reference for comments and discussions about this project, putting us all on the “same page” going forward.
Incorporating this Playtest Kit
Download the kit and examine its files (listed and explained below).
Assess how you want to proceed. This component inspection stage might be enough to engender questions or comments, and you may do so as explained in the Providing Playtest Feedback section below.
Then, decide how you want to play this (literally): on your tabletop or your computer.
Manual version

Playing TITE 1A on your tabletop means melding it into your boxed version of Thunder in The East.
Use the Thunder in The East boxed set’s map and counters.
The TITE 1A rules can be printed at 100% scale on standard 8.5” x 11” (US) paper or read on your computer or hand-held device.
Print the new TITE 1A mats, charts, cards, etc., on sturdy cardstock. Trim them for use.
The cards can fit in card sleeves to give them extra durability or
If you prefer playing with the boxed game’s cards, the file TITE 1 to 1A card conversion approximates the new Event cards using the old.
Digital version

Ensure you have the latest version of Vassal installed [https://vassalengine.org/]. This playtest kit was made with version 3.7.3.
Then, from the TITE 1A playtest kit, run the TITE 1A file on Vassal.
Be sure to check this playtest kit’s Read.Me file and Help menus to acclimate yourself to playing via Vassal.
Note that there is no artificial opponent. This means finding one or playing 2-player “solitaire.”
Providing Playtest Feedback
You are not obliged to, but we hope we hear about your experiences with this playtest kit. Look for us:
Here, on the Watchword Forums [https://www.watchword.biz/forum]
On Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/groups/282953878860040]
On Boardgame Geek Thunder in East forum [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/209951/thunder-east/forums/0]
At ConsimWorld [http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX/.1dda3495/1836]
Or by email to our Playtest Coordinator, Jay Johnson [hobbitjay@aol.com]
Please enlighten us about any component errors you find, ask questions, and provide replay narratives (with pictures, preferably). We are very interested in hearing from you and will do our best to help you find opponents.
Files included in The Playtest Kit

For the Vassal module:
TITE 1A Module.vmod
TITE 1A Read.Me.txt
The Complete TITE 1A Rules
TITE 1A Rules v1.0.pdf
TITE1A 1941-6-3 Barbarossa v1-0.pdf
TITE1A 1941-10-1 Typhoon v1-0.pdf
TITE1A 1942-7-1 Case Blue v1-0.pdf
TITE1A 1942-11-3 Uranus v1-0.pdf
TITE1A 1943-7-1 Citadel v1-0.pdf
TITE1A 1944-6-1 Bagration v1-0.pdf
TITE 1 to 1A card conversion.pdf
Charts and Tables:
TITE 1A Air CRT chart v1-0.png
TITE 1A Air unit Display v1-0.png
TITE 1A Build Costs chart v1-0.png
TITE 1A Economic map v1-0.png

TITE 1A Events mat v1-0.png
TITE 1A Faction mat ( Axis) v1.0.png (8.5” x 11”)
TITE 1A Faction mat (Soviet) v1-0.png (11” x 17”)
TITE 1A Ground CRT chart v1-0.png
TITE 1A Morale mat (front) v1-0.png
TITE 1A OOB 1 (41 Barbarossa) v1-0.png (pictured here)
TITE 1A OOB 2 (41-2 Typhoon) v1-0.png
TITE 1A OOB 3 (42 Blue) v1-0.png
TITE 1A OOB 4 (42-3 Uranus) v1-0.png
TITE 1A OOB 5 (43 Citadel) v1-0.png
TITE 1A OOB 6 (44 Bagration) v1-0.png
TITE 1A Sequence of Play (front) v1-0.png (pictured above)
TITE 1A Sequence of Play (reverse) v1-0.png
TITE 1A Turn Track mat bottom-left v1-0.png
TITE 1A Turn Track mat bottom-right v1-0.png
TITE 1A Turn Track mat top-left v1-0.png
TITE 1A Turn Track mat top-right v1-0.png

TITE1A Axis Events 1 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 1-3 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 2 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 3 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 4 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 4 (P&P) v1-0.png (pictured here)
TITE1A Axis Events 5 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Axis Events 5 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A EE Weather 1 (ART) 14 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A EE Weather 1 (RULES) 15 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A M-E Weather 2 (ART) 16 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A M-E Weather 2 (RULES) 17 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Misc Rasputitsa (art) (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Misc Rasputitsa (rules) (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 1 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 1-4 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 2 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 3 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 4 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 5 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 5 (P&P) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 6 (P&P back) v1-0.png
TITE1A Soviet Events 6 (P&P) v1-0.png
Thanks For All the Fish
We look forward to hearing your feedback!
ENJOY everyone- You'll be amazed at the depth of the new playing experiences in this kit. The team is very proud of it. This was a BIG step toward making the next modules in ETO a reality!
Now that I've fixed the download file, you are all ready to rock and roll.
I've re-zipped the file and this time included the cards and rules. (Doh!!!). It will be uploaded within an hour.
thanks !! But i can't find a rules.pdf in the zip ?
See * Introducing TITE version 1A * to see the cards from a posting ealier in the month.